Thursday, June 27, 2013

Organizing All of My Teacher "Stuff"

Have to show off my Erin Condren teacher planner. Loooove it.

I have already started to accumulate a lot of things for my classroom next year. I was lucky to have Mrs. P give me a lot of things she used in her classroom after she retired. Including her classroom library. (It's funny because having a big classroom library was something I was worried about having. Now I have my own books, her books, and a classroom library that comes with the classroom. So many books!)
Everything I was getting/creating/buying was outgrowing sitting behind our bedroom door. Plus it stressed me out to have it all there anyways. 

Luckily, Momma Linda let me use part of her storage room to starting organizing my classroom library and store my "stuff" there. At the beginning of the summer; I attempted to sort through and organize my classroom library. 
In my student teaching classroom; the books were on a bookshelf. The students were free to read them and keep them in their desks during free time. She kept some books that are more popular in a basket above the bookshelf; the students could read these books during free time but weren't to be kept in their desks. 
When I was able to observe at Lee and Sheridan; I started thinking about organizing the books in tubs.
My teaching partner at Sheridan's classroom library.

How a second grade teacher arranges her book baskets. She book has a number on it corresponding with which basket it should be in.

So I went with baskets. But it was A LOT of books. I just told myself that having these books organized to go into the classroom will make it easier to organize the books that are already in the classroom.

A work in progress.

Last week I organized the posters I have for bulletin boards. These are all posters that Mrs. P gave to me so a big thank you to her. I'm debating if I want to store my poetry posters the same way.
Again, all things from Mrs. P!

My Mom had an extra plastic closet hanger so I hole punched each poster and hooked it onto the bar.

Trying to organize all of the posters! And again, I know there are a lot of posters that come with the classroom I'll be in next year.

All finished :)

Slowly but surely, I'll take over the entire storage room :)
 Ready to get some of this stuff into my classroom!

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