Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beginning of July :)

Yesterday I got the keys to my first classroom! I'm so excited and SO happy I will be able to get in there before next Friday. I know I'd be making checklists my entire vacation if I only had two days between receiving the keys and leaving for Beaver Lake. Now I have a whole week. :) I'm letting myself relax this weekend because my cousin, Taylor, is getting married to Kierstin.

We started off the celebration last night with a family BBQ. We swam at my Mom's house and my nephews are seriously little fish! They all love the water.
Jaden isn't even two and fearlessly jumps into the pool without his life jacket. He watches his big brothers ALL of the time and wants to be just like them.

These are for you Katie (since you're the only person I know who looks at my blog ;)) A look into a mother's life of three crazy boys.

It was a perfect night and it was nice getting to hang out and see everyone.
The rehearsal dinner is tonight and wedding tomorrow; followed by the reception AND a brunch on Sunday. My family obviously likes to celebrate marriages and being able to get together.
 The beautiful couple! So happy for them and so glad I was able to celebrate it with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn 

So proud of Taylor!

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