Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Beaver Lake and My Classroom!

Last Tuesday I started my New Teacher Inductions. We had a week of training and today was my first day in the building in service and working in our rooms. To say the least, I'm overwhelmed!! So much information and so many things to do that most people never know we do! Although I came home really stressed out and got ahold of my top five people to complain to; I am so happy to be in the school and district that I'm in. I have already learned so much and I have found an amazing support team in my school. :) I couldn't be happier!
I was lucky that my principal let me in before my family vacation this summer to Beaver Lake, Arkansas!
It was a week filled with nothing but anchoring in a cove and relaxing with the family! A few of my favorite pictures and highlights of the trip...
My Mom planned the whole vacation and I can't say it enough; this woman is my rock. I have no idea what I'd do without her. I can only hope to be the woman she is today :)

My family. So grateful that my parents can still go on vacation together.
We shared another awesome vacation together.
KC Grahams are always tons of fun plus give me the two cutest nephews.
We had a ghost tour of the a haunted hotel, The Crescent.
Last but not least; Rambo. My very favorite pup. 

Now for my classroom, some before and after pictures! I've added a lot more since then but haven't taken pictures yet. 

I never thought I would walk into a classroom with SO much stuff!

CAFE board, schedule pocket chart, and behavior punch cards.
The one thing I worried about in college was having books in my classroom. I have SO many books now between Mrs. P, the classroom, and my own.
Classroom library; now I have a rug in that space.
The kids' book tubs.
My desk area :)
Word Wall and what I'm thinking will be the word work station.
Don't let the old school closet door fool you; it holds A LOT of stuff! 

After I organized and all of this stuff comes with the room.
How many sticky notes I had! I never thought. I'm grateful; do not get me wrong but it was overwhelming to organize!
My small group instruction.

I'm hoping I remember the outlet of blogging during this hectic year! It will give me a source to reflect whether it's private or public posts. In a week from today I meet my first group of kiddos! :)

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